TOP 4 ranking - the best dog harness

Ranking TOP 4 - najlepsze szelki dla psa

Dog harness is perfect for both leisurely walks and more ambitious ways of spending free time. If they are well fitted and properly put on, they allow you to control your pet's behavior without causing any discomfort.

Also read which dog leash to choose?

Why is it worth choosing a dog harness?

A healthy harness for a dog consists of products appropriately selected for its weight, posture and behavior. Why is it worth choosing a dog harness ? Because thanks to them, the pressure on the pet's back is safely distributed, protecting it, for example, against pressure on the neck. Properly fitted, they also allow for the control of breeds for which the collar simply does not work, e.g. because the neck is too short. Dogs usually feel more at ease in a harness as well.

How to put a harness on a dog?

Putting the harness on the dog shouldn't be too much of a challenge. We start the process with the front paws, and then fasten the harness on the back, at the height of the shoulder blades. Most of the products are also equipped with comfortable adjustable fasteners, so that their size can be adapted to the pet. Remember, however, that they cannot be too loose or too tight. They should provide the dog with maximum freedom of movement, while not falling off even while running.

walk the dog girl park

Dog harness or collar? Advantages and disadvantages of both solutions

Many canine parents ask themselves whether a harness or a collar will be better for their pet. Most of the voices are in favor of the harness, but there are situations in which the latter option may prove to be better. It is always worth considering both of them and then choose the one that better suits the needs of a particular animal. Dog harness or collar? Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions .

Advantages and disadvantages of a dog harness

The biggest advantage of a harness is that the pressure is not concentrated in one place. Thanks to this, the pet is safe and at the same time you are able to control it. This solution works well for animals that cannot or do not want to wear a collar. Your pet can accompany you, for example, while running, without worrying about its comfort.

However, all this does not mean that the harness has no disadvantages. In their case, controlling the dog is more difficult, especially with a large animal. The distribution of pressure can make it no longer a clear signal. It is also difficult to perfectly match their size, and poor adjustment may lead to abrasions. In addition, harnesses are often not well adapted to the size of the smallest dogs.

dog on harness and leash is lying on the grass pethomer

Advantages and disadvantages of a dog collar

Many people think that dog collars have no advantages. Although they can be dangerous, they allow you to have more control over your pet. This makes them well suited for strong breeds that like to break free. They are also good for learning to walk on a leash. It is also worth mentioning about decorative collars, which can hang freely around the dog's neck, being e.g. a place to hang an ID badge.

The main disadvantage of collars is their pressure on the dog's neck and larynx, especially in the event of sudden jerks. They also often cause discomfort, and an incorrectly selected size may cause abrasions or even lead to problems with swallowing and breathing.

Types of dog harness - TOP ranking of 4 types of products

Suspenders available on the market differ not only in size and design, but also in their intended use. Of course, you always have to choose them, taking into account, first of all, the size of your pooch, its build and your own preferences. However, we have prepared a TOP ranking of 4 types of products that are particularly popular. The types of dog harness we present are considered safe, comfortable for the pet and its parents, and they fulfill their tasks properly.

"Guard" harness

This is a healthy harness for a dog with a massive build. They have two spacer strips to keep the side strips properly spaced apart. Thanks to this, they do not stick to the body of the pet. This type is also available in a non-pressure dog harness. Opinions about them are very positive, because they guarantee effective pressure reduction.

guard harness for a dog Norwegian harness

Norwegian harness is considered to be one of the most comfortable models available on the market. They are easy to put on and do not restrict your pets' movements in any way. They have a breastplate connected to the lower abdomen, thanks to which they provide maximum comfort. In addition, they have a handle on the back, which is useful, for example, when training larger dogs.

Norwegian dog harness amiplay pethomer Harness for a dog that pulls

In the case of dogs that pull a lot or are just learning to walk on a leash, a training harness, called "easy walk", will work. They are fastened at the front, so that any attempt to pull the caregiver ends up facing them. In this way, you can teach your pet to walk on a loose leash and behave appropriately during walks.

Walking harness

Walking harness for a dog is the so-called step-in type. Traditionally, they are put on the front paws and fastened on the back. They are most often made of pleasant-to-touch materials and are easy to adjust. They are comfortable and universal, so you can easily put them on your dog while walking around the city, as well as during a longer trip to the park.

dog harness

What are the best braces?

Is it possible to unequivocally answer the question what are the best harnesses for a dog? The main thing is to adapt them to the size of the pet, his needs and your requirements. One of the above-mentioned top types of harness will definitely suit your pet.

Please note that our ranking shows product types, not specific brands. So start by prioritizing - both yours and your pet's. Then choose the right type of product that works best for you. Only after that, start browsing the most popular brands and prices. Above all, remember to choose a harness:

  • made of the highest quality materials;
  • permanently;
  • comfortable for the dog and properly adjusted to its size;
  • prides itself on a price commensurate with the quality;
  • easy to put on and take off.

What are the best puppy harnesses?

The most frequently chosen harness for a puppy is the guard type. It guarantees the convenience and comfort of wearing, while not adversely affecting the toddler's posture. An alternative is a stroller harness, due to the ease of adjusting their size.

What harness is best for a small dog?

For small dogs, a pressure-free harness made of delicate materials works well. They do not cause abrasions and are light, so wearing them is not tiring. The key here is to choose the right size, because in the case of really small animals, poorly chosen harness can fall off during a walk or crazy fun.

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